Graham Nash
Over The Years... <Deluxe Edition>

Graham Nash - Over The Years... <Deluxe Edition>

  • Release date: 2018
  • Genre: Soft Rock/Contemporary Soft Rock
  • Format: 2CD
  • Category: pop/rock
  • Duration: 1:33:15
  • ****
  • Added July 2, 2018
  • Played Tuesday
  • Rated July 2, 2018


CD1 - The Songs
1. Crosby, Stills & Nash, Graham Nash - Marrakesh Expressnot rated2:37
2. Graham Nash - Military Madnessnot rated3:29
3. Graham Nash - Immigration Mannot rated3:00
4. Crosby, Stills & Nash, Graham Nash - Just A Song Before I Gonot rated2:13
5. Graham Nash - I Used To Be A Kingnot rated4:39
6. Graham Nash - Better Daysnot rated3:50
7. Graham Nash - Simple Mannot rated2:18
8. Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Graham Nash - Teach Your Childrennot rated2:54
9. Crosby, Stills & Nash, Graham Nash - Lady Of The Islandnot rated2:37
10. Crosby/Nash, Graham Nash - Wind On The Waternot rated3:59
11. Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Graham Nash - Our Housenot rated2:59
12. Crosby, Stills & Nash, Graham Nash - Cathedralnot rated5:19
13. Crosby, Stills & Nash, Graham Nash - Wasted On The Waynot rated2:51
14. Graham Nash - Chicago/We Can Change The Worldnot rated4:00
15. Graham Nash/Shane Fontayne - Myself At Lastnot rated5:18
CD2 - The Demos
1. Graham Nash - Marrakesh Expressnot rated2:42
2. Graham Nash/Terry Reid - Horses Through A Rainstormnot rated3:36
3. Graham Nash - Teach Your Childrennot rated2:52
4. Graham Nash - Pre-Road Downsnot rated2:22
5. Graham Nash - Our Housenot rated2:54
6. Graham Nash - Right Between The Eyesnot rated2:07
7. Graham Nash - Sleep Songnot rated3:02
8. Graham Nash - Chicagonot rated2:53
9. Graham Nash - Man In The Mirrornot rated2:28
10. Graham Nash - Simple Mannot rated2:08
11. Graham Nash - I Miss Younot rated2:11
12. Graham Nash - You'll Never Be The Samenot rated2:42
13. Graham Nash, Joel Bernstein, Graham Nash - Wind On The Waternot rated3:28
14. Graham Nash - Just A Song Before I Gonot rated2:42
15. Graham Nash, Stephen Stills, Timothy B. Schmit, Graham Nash - Wasted On The Waynot rated2:50

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