Lucinda Williams
Lu's Jukebox - Sings The Beatles: From Abbey Road

Lucinda Williams - Lu's Jukebox - Sings The Beatles: From Abbey Road

  • Release date: 2024
  • Genre: Rock/Classic Rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: pop/rock
  • *** 1/2
  • Added January 10
  • Played yesterday
  • Rated January 10


1. John Lennon/Paul McCartney - Don't Let Me Downnot rated0:00
2. John Lennon/Paul McCartney - I'm Looking Through Younot rated0:00
3. John Lennon/Paul McCartney - Can't Buy Me Lovenot rated0:00
4. John Lennon/Paul McCartney - Rainnot rated0:00
5. George Harrison - While My Guitar Gently Weepsnot rated0:00
6. John Lennon/Paul McCartney - Let It Benot rated0:00
7. John Lennon/Paul McCartney - Yer Bluesnot rated0:00
8. John Lennon/Paul McCartney - I've Got A Feelingnot rated0:00
9. John Lennon/Paul McCartney - I'm So Tirednot rated0:00
10. George Harrison - Somethingnot rated0:00
11. John Lennon/Paul McCartney - With A Little Help From My Friendsnot rated0:00
12. John Lennon/Paul McCartney - The Long And Winding Roadnot rated0:00

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