Artist | Title | Album | Duration | Rating | Format | Released |
Adriano Celentano | Respiri Di Vita | Per Sempre | 4:13 | not rated | CD | 2002 |
Adriano Celentano | Ricordo | Svalutation | 4:05 | not rated | LP | 1976 |
Adriano Celentano | Rifugio Bianco | Quel Punto | 1:45 | not rated | CD | 1994 |
Adriano Celentano | Sanmatio | Quel Punto | 2:50 | not rated | CD | 1994 |
Adriano Celentano | Scusami | Arrivano Gli Uomini | 6:07 | not rated | CD | 1996 |
Adriano Celentano | Solo Da Un Quarto D'ora | Arrivano Gli Uomini | 5:47 | not rated | CD | 1996 |
Adriano Celentano | Stai Lontana Da Me | Dolce Vita 67 | not rated | LP | 1988 | |
Adriano Celentano | Svalutation | Svalutation | 3:00 | not rated | LP | 1976 |
Adriano Celentano | Ti Lascio Vivere | Arrivano Gli Uomini | 4:34 | not rated | CD | 1996 |
Adriano Celentano | Torno A Settembre | Arrivano Gli Uomini | 5:02 | not rated | CD | 1996 |
Adriano Celentano | Uh.. Uh.. | Quel Punto | 4:34 | not rated | CD | 1994 |
Adriano Celentano | Una Luce Intermittente | Per Sempre | 4:42 | not rated | CD | 2002 |
Adriano Celentano | Uomo Macchina | Svalutation | 3:42 | not rated | LP | 1976 |
Adriano Celentano | Vento D'Estate | Arrivano Gli Uomini | 5:43 | not rated | CD | 1996 |
Adriano Celentano | Vite | Per Sempre | 4:38 | not rated | CD | 2002 |
Aeroplanitaliani | Zitti Zitti | Anima Latina | 4:56 | not rated | CD | 1996 |
Aeroplanitaliani | Zitti Zitti | Italian Juice | 4:23 | not rated | CD | 1995 |
Aerosmith | Adam's Apple | Toys In The Attic | 4:34 | not rated | LP | 1975 |
Aerosmith | All Your Love | Best Ballads | 5:31 | not rated | CD | 1996 |
Aerosmith | Amazing | Best Ballads | 5:59 | not rated | CD | 1996 |
Aerosmith | Angel | Best Ballads | 5:05 | not rated | CD | 1996 |
Aerosmith | Back In The Saddle | "Rocks" | 4:40 | not rated | LP | 1976 |
Aerosmith | Big Ten Inch Record | Toys In The Attic | 2:10 | not rated | LP | 1975 |
Aerosmith | Blind Man | Best Ballads | 4:02 | not rated | CD | 1996 |
Aerosmith | Combination | "Rocks" | 3:38 | not rated | LP | 1976 |