Roger Manning
Roger Manning

Roger Manning - Roger Manning

  • Release date: 1988
  • Genre: Rock/Blues
  • Format: LP
  • Category: Rock
  • Duration: 37:00
  • not rated
  • Added January 12


1. The #14 Bluesnot rated2:23
2. The Pearly Bluesnot rated3:46
3. The Lefty Rhetoric Bluesnot rated2:19
4. The Hitch•Hiker's Bluesnot rated3:10
5. The West Valley Bluesnot rated4:02
6. Strange Little Bluesnot rated2:23
7. The Airport Bluesnot rated2:42
8. The #16 Bluesnot rated2:33
9. The #17 Bluesnot rated3:58
10. Blues For The Chosen Fewnot rated2:58
11. The 1010 Bluesnot rated2:47
12. The Sicilian Train Bluesnot rated3:59

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