The Telescopes

The Telescopes - Taste

  • Release date: 8/28/1989
  • Genre: Rock/Indie Rock
  • Format: LP
  • Category: Rock
  • not rated
  • Added January 12


1. And Let Me Drift Awaynot rated0:00
2. I Fall, She Screamsnot rated0:00
3. Oil Seed Rapenot rated0:00
4. Violencenot rated0:00
5. Threadbarenot rated0:00
6. The Perfect Needlenot rated0:00
7. There Is No Floornot rated0:00
8. Anticipating Nowherenot rated0:00
9. Please, Before You Gonot rated0:00
10. Suffercationnot rated0:00
11. Silent Waternot rated0:00
12. Suicidenot rated0:00

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