The Darling Buds

The Darling Buds - Erotica

  • Release date: 1992
  • Genre: Rock/Pop Rock
  • Format: LP
  • Category: Rock
  • Duration: 44:28
  • not rated
  • Added January 1


1. One Thing Leads To Anothernot rated5:19
2. Sure Thingnot rated3:24
3. Off My Mindnot rated5:17
4. Gently Fallnot rated5:37
5. Please Yourselfnot rated3:52
6. Angels Fallennot rated4:45
7. Isolationnot rated4:08
8. Long Day In The Universenot rated4:11
9. Wavenot rated4:20
10. Ifnot rated3:35

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