John Handy
Where Go The Boats

John Handy - Where Go The Boats

  • Release date: 1978
  • Genre: Jazz
  • Format: CD
  • Category: jazz
  • Duration: 42:43
  • not rated
  • Added April 20, 2005


1. Right There, Right Therenot rated6:38
2. Moogie Woogienot rated6:14
3. Where Go The Boatsnot rated4:31
4. Go for Yourselfnot rated3:32
5. The Hissing Of Summer Lawnsnot rated4:58
6. She Just Won't Boogie With Menot rated4:31
7. Ericanot rated7:57
8. Salud To Sonnynot rated4:22

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