Complete list of jer5150's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
HELLYEAHCold As A StoneStampede3:28not ratedCD
HELLYEAHCowboy WayStampede3:45not ratedCD
HELLYEAHCross To Bier (Cradle Of Bones)Blood for Blood3:32not ratedCD
HELLYEAHDebt That All Men PayStampede3:09not ratedCD
HELLYEAHDemons In The DirtBlood for Blood3:49not ratedCD
HELLYEAHDig Myself A HoleBand of Brothers3:15not ratedCD
HELLYEAHDMFBlood for Blood3:48not ratedCD
HELLYEAHDrink Drank DrunkBand of Brothers3:56not ratedCD
HELLYEAHGiftBlood for Blood3:46not ratedCD
HELLYEAHGodDamnHELLYEAHnot ratedCDR5/7/2007
HELLYEAHHell Of A TimeStampede3:40not ratedCD
HELLYEAHHushBlood for Blood3:52not ratedCD
HELLYEAHIn the MoodHELLYEAHnot ratedCDR5/7/2007
HELLYEAHIt's On!Stampede3:44not ratedCD
HELLYEAHMatter of TimeHELLYEAHnot ratedCDR5/7/2007
HELLYEAHMothBlood for Blood4:47not ratedCD
HELLYEAHNauseaHELLYEAHnot ratedCDR5/7/2007
HELLYEAHOne ThingHELLYEAHnot ratedCDR5/7/2007
HELLYEAHOrder The SunStampede4:23not ratedCD
HELLYEAHPole RiderStampede3:21not ratedCD
HELLYEAHRage / BurnBand of Brothers4:41not ratedCD
HELLYEAHRotten to the CoreHELLYEAHnot ratedCDR5/7/2007
HELLYEAHSangre por Sangre (Blood for Blood)Blood for Blood4:34not ratedCD
HELLYEAHSay WhenBlood for Blood2:54not ratedCD

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