Complete list of jcastellano's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Ruth BrownOh What A DreamTime-Life - Rhythm & Blues - 19542:54not ratedCD1954
Ruth BrownSo LongAtlantic Rhythm And Blues 1947 - 1974 Volume 1 1947 - 19522:38not rated12" vinyl1985
Ruth BrownSweet Baby Of MineBlues Before Sunrise - 2003.05.02 [2021.05.02]2:31not ratedWAV5/2/2003
Ruth BrownTeardrops From My EyesBlues Before Sunrise - 2020.09.06 - Weepin' & Cryin'2:52not ratedWAV9/6/2020
Ruth BrownTeardrops From My EyesAtlantic Rhythm And Blues 1947 - 1974 Volume 1 1947 - 19522:52not rated12" vinyl1985
Ruth BrownThis Little Girl's Gone Rockin'Blues Before Sunrise - 2020.08.021:47not ratedWAV8/2/2020
Ruth BrownWild Wild Young Men-1953Atlantic Rhythm And Blues 1947 - 1974 Volume 2 1952 - 19552:32not rated12" vinyl1985
Ruth BrownYou, The Night & The MusicBlues Before Sunrise - 2021.09.19 - I Do Mean You2:30not ratedFLAC2021
Ruth Brown With The RhythmakersHello Little BoyTheme Time Radio Hour S3/E04 President's Day3:18not ratedM4A10/29/2008
Ruthann FriedmanDanny [Ruthann Friedman]Musicophilia - Their Hearts Had Six Strings - Volume 03 - (1967-1976)1:47not ratedWAV2013
Ruthie FosterLove In The MiddleHambone's Blues Party - 2024.05.094:38not ratedFLAC2024
Ruthie FosterWelcome Home2024.11.28 - Blues Turkey Demastication & Inebreation2:48not ratedFLAC2024
Ruthie FosterWelcome HomeHambone's Blues Party - 2022.06.16 - Blues On The Fox2:43not ratedWAV6/16/2022
Ruts, TheBabylon's BurningNo Thanks! The '70s Punk Rebellion2:32not ratedCD2003
Ruts, TheBabylon's Burning (Live)The Punk Generation2:24not ratedCD1995
Ruts, TheIn A Rut (Live)The Punk Generation4:04not ratedCD1995
Ruts, TheSomething That I Said (Live)The Punk Generation3:55not ratedCD1995
Ry CooderAcross The BorderlineThe Border2:54not ratedLP1982
Ry CooderBuilding FiresThe Border4:18not ratedLP1982
Ry CooderCrazy 'Bout An AutomobileWXRT - Saturday Morning Flashback - 1981 - 2023.04.154:44not ratedFLAC4/15/2023
Ry CooderCrazyAboutAnAutomobile1974.05.16 - The Bottom Line, New York, NY4:47not ratedFLAC1974
Ry CooderDark Is The Night [Ry Cooder]Musicophilia - Their Hearts Had Six Strings - Volume 06 - (1962-1975)not ratedWAV2017
Ry CooderEarthquakeThe Border1:03not ratedLP1982
Ry CooderEl ScorchoThe Border1:12not ratedLP1982
Ry CooderFDRinTrinidad1974.05.16 - The Bottom Line, New York, NY4:53not ratedFLAC1974

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