Complete list of jcastellano's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
R.E.M.Bang And BlameR.E.M. At The BBC4:58not ratedCD10/19/2018
R.E.M.Bang And BlameMonster5:30not ratedCD1994
R.E.M.Bang And BlameMonster - Deluxe Edition4:48not ratedCD9/27/1994
R.E.M.Bang and Blame (alternate version without between-track noise)Complete Rarities - Warner Bros. 1988-20114:52not ratedM4A2014
R.E.M.Bang and Blame (Live at SNL-11/12/94)Complete Rarities - Warner Bros. 1988-20114:54not ratedM4A2014
R.E.M.Be MineNew Adventures In Hi-Fi5:33not ratedCD1996
R.E.M.Be MineNew Adventures In Hi-Fi5:32not ratedLP1996
R.E.M.Be Mine (Mike On Bus version)Complete Rarities - Warner Bros. 1988-20114:53not ratedM4A2014
R.E.M.BeachballReveal4:14not ratedCD5/15/2001
R.E.M.Beat A DrumReveal4:21not ratedCD5/15/2001
R.E.M.Beat A DrumUnplugged 1991 & 2001 - The Complete Sessions4:31not ratedLP4/19/2014
R.E.M.Beat a Drum (Dalkey Demo)Complete Rarities - Warner Bros. 1988-20114:26not ratedM4A2014
R.E.M.Beat A Drum (Dalkey Demo)Imitation Of Life4:27not ratedCD2001
R.E.M.Begin The BeginAutomatic For The People - 25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition3:28not ratedCD11/10/2017
R.E.M.Begin The BeginLifes Rich Pageant3:24not ratedLP1986
R.E.M.Begin the Begin1989.06.09 - Saga Teatret, Copenhagen, Denmark3:32not ratedFLAC1989
R.E.M.Begin The Begin1986.10.19 - UIC Pavilion, Chicago, IL3:24not ratedFLAC1986
R.E.M.Begin the Begin (live at 40 Watt Club, Athens, GA, November 19, 1992)Complete Rarities - Warner Bros. 1988-20113:47not ratedM4A2014
R.E.M.Begin The Begin (Live in Hampton, VA 1989)Good Music to Avert the Collapse of American Democracy3:45not ratedFLAC2020
R.E.M.BelongUnplugged 1991 & 2001 - The Complete Sessions4:31not ratedLP4/19/2014
R.E.M.BelongOut Of Time - 25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition4:50not ratedCD11/18/2016
R.E.M.BelongOut Of Time - 25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition4:03not ratedCD11/18/2016
R.E.M.BelongOut Of Time - 25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition4:03not ratedCD11/18/2016
R.E.M.BelongOut Of Time4:07not ratedCD3/12/1991
R.E.M.Belong (Demo)Out Of Time - 25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition4:17not ratedCD11/18/2016

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