Complete list of jcastellano's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Atoms For PeaceReverse RunningAmok5:06not ratedLP2/26/2013
Atoms For PeaceS.A.DJudge Jury And Executioner5:32not rated12" vinyl3/11/2013
Atoms For PeaceSkip Divided2010.04.15 - Fox Theatre, Oakland, CA4:22not ratedFLAC2010
Atoms For PeaceSkirting On The Surface2010.04.15 - Fox Theatre, Oakland, CA3:28not ratedFLAC2010
Atoms For PeaceSkirting On The Surface (false start)2010.04.15 - Fox Theatre, Oakland, CA2:50not ratedFLAC2010
Atoms For PeaceStuck Together PiecesAmok5:28not ratedLP2/26/2013
Atoms For PeaceStuck Together PiecesAmok5:28not ratedLP2/26/2013
Atoms For PeaceThe Clock2010.04.15 - Fox Theatre, Oakland, CA5:02not ratedFLAC2010
Atoms For PeaceThe Daily Mail2010.04.15 - Fox Theatre, Oakland, CA4:36not ratedFLAC2010
Atoms For PeaceThe Eraser2010.04.15 - Fox Theatre, Oakland, CA6:18not ratedFLAC2010
Atoms For PeaceUnlessAmok4:40not ratedLP2/26/2013
Atoms For PeaceUnlessAmok4:40not ratedLP2/26/2013
AtonsYellow RibbonHome Schooled - The ABCs Of Kid Soul3:12not ratedLP8/1/2007
AttakMurder In The SubwayGod Save This Box3:24not ratedCD2005
Attic TreeVOARGood Times 30th Anniversary Edition4:36not ratedCD2011
Attica BluesSketchHeadz 2B3:14not ratedCD1996
AttilaRoosevelts In TrinidadTheme Time Radio Hour S3/E04 President's Day3:05not ratedM4A10/29/2008
AttitudesIn A Stranger's Arms [Attitudes]Dogpatch - Dante Carfagna and John Kirby - 2020.11.063:30not ratedWAV11/6/2020
Au PairsIt's ObviousMusicophilia - The Young Lady's Post-Punk Handbook - Volume 026:20not ratedWAV2009
Au PairsIt's ObviousMusicophilia - Post-Punk - 1980 - 02Fire5:42not ratedWAV2019
Au PairsLove SongMusicophilia - 1981 - Main Mixes - Amplifier2:52not ratedMP32004
Au PairsYouMusicophilia - Post-Punk - 1979 - 02Amplifier2:49not ratedWAV1979
AubreyDot 3 (Russ Gabriel Remix)Future Sounds Of Jazz 147:04not ratedLP9/7/2018
Augi RiosDonde Esta Santa Claus? (Where Is Santa Claus?)Mambo Santa Mambo - Chirstmas from the Latin Lounge2:21not ratedCD2000
Augusta Furnace57 Rue FantastiqueRumble Strip3:47not rated7" vinyl1991

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