Complete list of jcastellano's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Hold Steady, TheThe Last Time That She Talked To MeFour On Ten3:23not rated10" vinyl11/29/2019
HoleAsking For ItLive Through This3:30not ratedCD4/12/1994
HoleCredit In The Straight WorldLive Through This3:11not ratedCD4/12/1994
HoleCredit In The Straight World (Live)The Incredible Son Of Swag2:51not ratedCD1995
HoleDoll PartsLive Through This3:32not ratedCD4/12/1994
HoleGutlessLive Through This2:16not ratedCD4/12/1994
HoleI Think That I Would DieLive Through This3:36not ratedCD4/12/1994
HoleJennifers BodyLive Through This3:41not ratedCD4/12/1994
HoleMiss WorldLive Through This3:00not ratedCD4/12/1994
HolePlumpLive Through This2:34not ratedCD4/12/1994
HoleRock StarLive Through This2:41not ratedCD4/12/1994
HoleShe Walks On MeLive Through This3:24not ratedCD4/12/1994
HoleSofter, SoftestLive Through This3:27not ratedCD4/12/1994
HoleVioletLive Through This3:24not ratedCD4/12/1994
Holger CzukayBoat-Woman SongMusicophilia - Sensory Replication - Series No. 2 - Gloaming (1731-2005)1:00not ratedWAV2006
Holger CzukayBoat-Woman-SongMusicophilia - Sensory Replication - Series No. 1 - Adrift (1969-2001)3:00not ratedWAV2006
Holger CzukayCAnaxisMusicophilia - Sensory Replication - Series No. 5 - The Somnambulist_(1908-2007)0:45not ratedWAV2007
Holger CzukayCool In The PoolMusicophilia - Post-Punk - 1979 - 01Fire4:59not ratedWAV1979
Holger CzukayFragrance (Edit)Musicophilia - 1981 - Main Mixes - Ice3:16not ratedMP32004
Hollie CookDub Like ChocolateSweet Like Chocolatenot rated7" vinyl10/2018
Hollie CookKush DubMerge Records Fall/Winter Sampler 20233:20not ratedCD2023
Hollie CookSurviveMerge Records Fall Sampler 2018not ratedCD2018
Hollie CookSurviveMerge Records Fall Sampler 2018not ratedCD2018
Hollie CookSweet Like ChocolateSweet Like Chocolatenot rated7" vinyl10/2018
Hollies, The4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)Cover Menot ratedLP1986

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