Complete list of jcastellano's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
David BowieRight on Mother - Demo 1970Rare and Well Done - 1968-19722:38not ratedMP31972
David BowieRock 'N Roll With MeDiamond Dogs3:54not ratedLP1974
David BowieRock 'N' Roll SuicideThe Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars2:58not ratedLP1972
David BowieRock 'N' Roll SuicideLive Santa Monica '722:59not ratedLP2008
David BowieRock 'N' Roll SuicideI'm Only Dancing (The Soul Tour 74)5:55not ratedCD8/29/2020
David BowieRock 'N' Roll SuicideCracked Actor (Live Los Angeles '74)5:10not ratedLP4/22/2017
David BowieRock 'N' Roll Suicide (Live)Sound + Vision4:29not ratedCD1989
David BowieRock 'N' Roll With MeCracked Actor (Live Los Angeles '74)4:54not ratedLP4/22/2017
David BowieRock 'N' Roll With MeI'm Only Dancing (The Soul Tour 74)5:04not ratedCD8/29/2020
David BowieRound And RoundSound + Vision2:39not ratedCD1989
David BowieRunning Gun BluesThe Man Who Sold The World3:12not ratedLP1971
David BowieRupert the Riley - Demo London 1970Rare and Well Done - 1968-19723:00not ratedMP31972
David BowieSaviour MachineThe Man Who Sold The World4:26not ratedLP1971
David Bowiescary monsters1983.07.12 - Montreal Forum, Montreal, CA3:30not ratedMP31983
David BowieScary MonstersWXRT - Saturday Morning Flashback - 1980 - 2023.02.044:56not ratedFLAC2/4/2023
David BowieScary Monsters [David Bowie]WXRT - Saturday Morning Flashback - 1980 - 2021.06.195:01not ratedWAV6/19/2021
David BowieSegue - Algeria Touchshriek1. Outside (The Nathan Adler Diaries: A Hyper Cycle)2:03not ratedCD1995
David BowieSegue - Baby Grace (A Horrid Cassette)1. Outside (The Nathan Adler Diaries: A Hyper Cycle)1:39not ratedCD1995
David BowieSegue - Nathan Adler1. Outside (The Nathan Adler Diaries: A Hyper Cycle)1:00not ratedCD1995
David BowieSegue - Nathan Adler1. Outside (The Nathan Adler Diaries: A Hyper Cycle)0:28not ratedCD1995
David BowieSegue - Ramona A. Stone / I Am With Name1. Outside (The Nathan Adler Diaries: A Hyper Cycle)4:01not ratedCD1995
David BowieSense Of Doubt"Heroes"3:57not ratedLP1977
David BowieSense Of DoubtWelcome To The Blackout (Live London '78)3:40not ratedLP4/21/2018
David BowieShake ItMusicophilia - Musique Du Monde - Le Monde du Funk '853:44not ratedWAV2017
David BowieShake ItLet's Dance3:49not ratedLP1983

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