Complete list of jazz47's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Enrico IntraThe Classic JazzDissonanza - Consonanza2:20not ratedCD1999
Enrico IntraTo The Victims Of Vietnam (I)Dissonanza - Consonanza4:53not ratedCD1999
Enrico IntraTribute To MonkDissonanza - Consonanza8:00not ratedCD1999
Enrico IntraTribute To PowellDissonanza - Consonanza7:52not ratedCD1999
Enrico IntraVideo BluesDissonanza - Consonanza6:58not ratedCD1999
Enrico PeranunziThe Way It GoesItalian Jazz Today6:36not ratedCD1996
Enrico Peranunzi, Marc Johnson, Joey Baron... Correva L'anno Di Grazia 1870play MORRICONE5:52not ratedCD2001
Enrico Peranunzi, Marc Johnson, Joey BaronAddio Fratello Crudeleplay MORRICONE7:18not ratedCD2001
Enrico Peranunzi, Marc Johnson, Joey BaronEscalationplay MORRICONE3:36not ratedCD2001
Enrico Peranunzi, Marc Johnson, Joey BaronHidden Songplay MORRICONE4:42not ratedCD2001
Enrico Peranunzi, Marc Johnson, Joey BaronIncontroplay MORRICONE7:04not ratedCD2001
Enrico Peranunzi, Marc Johnson, Joey BaronJona Che Visse Nella Balenaplay MORRICONE4:38not ratedCD2001
Enrico Peranunzi, Marc Johnson, Joey BaronJust Beyond The Horizonplay MORRICONE6:30not ratedCD2001
Enrico Peranunzi, Marc Johnson, Joey BaronLa Voglia Mattaplay MORRICONE4:46not ratedCD2001
Enrico Peranunzi, Marc Johnson, Joey BaronLe Mani Sporcheplay MORRICONE5:43not ratedCD2001
Enrico Peranunzi, Marc Johnson, Joey BaronMio Caro Dottor Gräslerplay MORRICONE6:31not ratedCD2001
Enrico Peranunzi, Marc Johnson, Joey BaronStanno Tutti Beneplay MORRICONE7:29not ratedCD2001
Enrico PieranunziAlle Rive LontaneCurrent Conditions8:05not ratedCD2003
Enrico PieranunziamarcordFelliniJazz6:48not ratedCD2003
Enrico PieranunziAmarcordJazz a Cinecittà6:45not ratedCD2004
Enrico Pieranunzianthropologyin that dawn of music6:52not ratedCD1993
Enrico PieranunziArmida's gardenJazz Italiano Live 20067:42not ratedCD2006
Enrico PieranunziAs never beforeJazz Italiano Live 20065:20not ratedCD2006

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