Complete list of javnick's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Jody GrindInteraction - An Anthology (2 CD)2CD2007****1:38:27
Joel, BillyGlass HousesLP1980not rated34:29
John Butler Trio, TheApril UprisingCD2010not rated
John Butler Trio, TheFlesh & BloodCD2014****51:58
John Butler Trio, TheGrand NationalCD2007****1:00:01
John Butler Trio, TheOne Way Road (4 Track Single)CD Single12/4/2009***13:47
John Butler Trio, TheSunrise Over SeaCD3/8/2004****1:09:39
John Butler Trio, TheThreeCD2001*** 1/21:07:08
John Dummer Blues BandCabal (Red Vinyl Reissue)LP1969*** 1/245:19
John Entwistles OxMad DogLP1975***36:37
John, EltonCaptain Fantastic & The Brown Dirt CowboyLP1975not rated47:20
John, EltonThe Big PictureCD1997***52:08
John, Elton. & Leon RussellThe UnionCD2010*** 1/21:03:10
Johnny Otis Show, TheCold Shot , Snatch And The PoontangsCD1969*** 1/21:09:29
Johnson, Bob & Peter KnightThe King of Elflands DaughterLP1977***35:01
Johnson, JeremiahStraitjacketCD8/24/2018not rated53:11
Johnson, JohnnieJohnnie B. BadCD1991not rated44:01
Johnson, JustinSmoke & Mirrors (2CD)2CD2014**** 1/21:25:15
Johnson, RobertRed Hot Blues (Blue Collection Vol. 6)CD1993not rated48:50
Johnson, WilcoBarbed Wire BluesCD1988*** 1/235:13
Johnson, Wilco & Roger DaltreyGoing Back Home ( 2 CD Deluxe Edition)2CD2014****1:46:19
Jon & VangelisThe Friends Of Mr. CairoLP1981not rated40:46
Jon And VangelisBest of Jon & VangelisLP1984***50:51
Jones, MickMick JonesCD1989not rated42:17
Jones, NorahCome Away With MeCD2003*** 1/245:09

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