Wainwright III, Loudon
Album II (Label Misprint)

Wainwright III, Loudon - Album II  (Label Misprint)

  • Release date: 1971
  • Genre: Folk/Country
  • Format: LP
  • Category: folk
  • Duration: 34:36
  • ***
  • Added August 21
  • Rated August 21


1. Me And My Friend The Cat #*** 1/23:16
2. Motel Blues #*** 1/22:43
3. Nice Jewish Girls***2:02
4. Be Careful, There's A Baby In The House***3:17
5. I Know I'm Unhappy** 1/20:47
6. Suicide Song** 1/21:00
7. Glenville Reel** 1/21:16
8. Saw Your Name In The Paper***2:07
9. Samson And The Warden***2:59
10. Plane, Too** 1/23:05
11. Cook That Dinner, Dora***2:00
12. Old Friend** 1/22:52
13. Old Paint ##****3:46
14. Winter Song***3:26

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