Necromandus (Transparent Purple)

Necromandus - Necromandus (Transparent Purple)

  • Release date: 7/21/2017
  • Genre: Rock/Hard Rock
  • Format: LP
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 47:39
  • ****
  • Added September 2, 2017
  • Rated September 2, 2017


1. Don't Look Down Frank ##**** 1/23:43
2. Aluana ##*****3:23
3. Limpet Man****3:31
4. Hymn to Her****5:37
5. I've Been Evil****6:23
6. Gargoyles Awake ##**** 1/24:40
7. Scream ##**** 1/23:22
8. Borderlands***3:22
9. The Warriors ##**** 1/24:00
10. Hardknott*** 1/24:58
11. And She Smiles #****4:40

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