Pig Iron

Pig Iron - IV

  • Release date: 2012
  • Genre: Hard Rock/Southern Blues Rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 50:06
  • ***
  • Added April 4, 2016
  • Rated April 29, 2016


1. The Tide Within** 1/27:23
2. Carve Your Name***4:59
3. Horseshoes & Hand Grenades #*** 1/24:02
4. Diggin' in the Well** 1/25:06
5. Good Man, Poor Man** 1/27:29
6. Chapter 6 #*** 1/22:04
7. Bootlace Noose #*** 1/27:45
8. The Curse of An Aching Heart***3:32
9. Low Grade Man ##****6:37
10. Grave's Endnot rated1:09

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