Capability Brown

Capability Brown - Liar

  • Release date: 1976
  • Genre: Contemporary Pop/ Rock/Crossover Prog
  • Format: LP
  • Category: rock
  • ***
  • Added March 20, 2011
  • Rated March 20, 2011


1. Midnight Cruiser** 1/20:00
2. No Range***0:00
3. I Am & So Are You***0:00
4. Sole Survivor a) Escape b) Sole Survivor c) Cosmic Ride d) Time Machine** 1/20:00
5. Keep Death Off The Road (Drive on the Pavement)***0:00
6. Redman** 1/20:00
7. Sad Am I #*** 1/20:00
8. Liar #*** 1/20:00

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