- Release date: 1996
- Genre: American Trad. Rock/Boogie
- Format: CD
- Category: rock
- Duration: 51:09
- ***
- Added December 26, 2009
- Rated January 14, 2010
1. Younger Face | not rated | 4:03 |
2. Cumberland River # | not rated | 5:16 |
3. I Want You Bad | not rated | 2:36 |
4. On My Way # | not rated | 4:20 |
5. L'il Bit ## | not rated | 3:43 |
6. Hell To Pay | not rated | 5:08 |
7. Woke Up Jake | not rated | 4:42 |
8. Birthday | not rated | 4:08 |
9. Hush # | not rated | 4:48 |
10. Trivial As The Truth | not rated | 4:36 |
11. Hit Me Like A Train | not rated | 7:42 |
12. (Hidden Track) | not rated | 0:00 |
| 51:09 |
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