Complete list of jasonclaud's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHeavenlyLive at the BBCnot ratedCD1995
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHellhound on My TrailThe Complete Blue Horizon Sessionsnot ratedCD11/23/1999
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHellhound on my TrailPeter Green's Fleetwood Macnot ratedCD1968
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHellhound On My TrailPeter Green's Fleetwood Mac [from Original Album Classics]not ratedCD1968
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHim and MeShowbiz Bluesnot ratedCD3/19/2002
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHomeworkBlues Jam in Chicago 2not ratedCD1969
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHomeworkThe Complete Blue Horizon Sessionsnot ratedCD11/23/1999
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHomework (Live) [Remastered]Before the Beginning 1968 - 1970 Live and Demo Sessionsnot ratedCD11/15/2019
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHoney Boy BluesBlues Jam in Chicago 2not ratedCD1969
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHoney Boy Blues [#]The Complete Blue Horizon Sessionsnot ratedCD11/23/1999
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHoney HushLive at the BBCnot ratedCD1995
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHorton's Boogie WoogieBlues Jam in Chicago 1not ratedCD1969
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHorton's Boogie Woogie (Take 2)Blues Jam in Chicago 2not ratedCD1969
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHorton's Boogie Woogie [#]The Complete Blue Horizon Sessionsnot ratedCD11/23/1999
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHorton's Boogie Woogie [Take 2][#]The Complete Blue Horizon Sessionsnot ratedCD11/23/1999
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHow Blue Can You Get (Live) (Fleetwood Mac)Orange Collectionnot ratedCD2008
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHow Blue Can You Get?Jumping at Shadows: The Blues Yearsnot ratedCD7/23/2002
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHow Blue Can You Get?Showbiz Bluesnot ratedCD3/19/2002
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHow Blue Can You Get?Fleetwood Mac - Live in London 68 CDnot ratedCD4/11/2001
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHungry Country GirlBlues Jam in Chicago 2not ratedCD1969
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacHungry Country GirlThe Complete Blue Horizon Sessionsnot ratedCD11/23/1999
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacI Believe My Time Ain't LongThe Complete Blue Horizon Sessionsnot ratedCD11/23/1999
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacI Believe My Time Ain't LongGold Collectionnot ratedCD1/1/1990
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacI Believe My Time Ain't LongThe Pious Bird of Good Omennot ratedCD1969
Peter Green's Fleetwood MacI Believe My Time Ain't LongThe Pious Bird of Good Omen [from Original Album Series]not ratedCD1969

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