Complete list of jasonclaud's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Motley CrueFive Years DeadGirls Girls Girls (Crucial Crue edition)not ratedCD1987
Motley CrueFlushGeneration Swine (Crucial Crue edition)not ratedCD1997
Motley CruefriendsQuaternarynot ratedCD1994
Motley CrueGeneration SwineGeneration Swine (Crucial Crue edition)not ratedCD1997
Motley CrueGeneration SwineRed, White, & Cruenot ratedCD2/1/2005
Motley CrueGet It for Free [#][*]Dr. Feelgood (Crucial Crue edition)not ratedCD1989
Motley CrueGirls Girls GirlsLewd, Crued & Tattooed Live [dvd]not ratedDVD4/8/2003
Motley CrueGirls Girls GirlsThe Dirt OSTnot ratedCD3/22/2019
Motley CrueGirls Girls GirlsCrue Fest 2008 [dvd]not ratedDVD3/24/2009
Motley CrueGirls, Girls, GirlsThe End - Live in Los Angeles DVD/CDnot ratedDVD11/4/2016
Motley CrueGirls, Girls, GirlsMusic To Crash Your Car To, Volume 1not ratedCD11/11/2003
Motley Cruegirls, girls, girlsDecade of Decadence '81-'91not ratedCD1991
Motley CrueGirls, Girls, GirlsLive: Entertainment Or Deathnot ratedCD11/23/1999
Motley CrueGirls, Girls, GirlsGirls Girls Girls (Crucial Crue edition)not ratedCD1987
Motley CrueGirls, Girls, GirlsRed, White, & Cruenot ratedCD2/1/2005
Motley CrueGirls, Girls, GirlsCarnival of Sins: Live Volume 1not ratedCD6/6/2006
Motley CrueGirls, Girls, Girls ... [Rough Mix][*]Girls Girls Girls (Crucial Crue edition)not ratedCD1987
Motley Cruegirls, girls, girls (live)Raw Tracks IInot ratedCD1990
Motley CrueGirls, Girls, Girls (Tom Werman And Band Intro - Rough Mix Of Instrumental Track)Music To Crash Your Car To, Volume 1not ratedCD11/11/2003
Motley CrueGlitterGeneration Swine (Crucial Crue edition)not ratedCD1997
Motley CrueglitterCarnival of Sins: Live Volume 2not ratedCD2006
Motley CrueGod Bless the Children of the BeastShout at the Devil (Crucial Crue edition)not ratedCD1983
Motley CrueGod Bless The Children Of The BeastMusic To Crash Your Car To, Volume 1not ratedCD11/11/2003
Motley Cruegoin' out swingin'Saints of Los Angeles (+DVD)not ratedCD2008
Motley CrueGuitar SoloThe End - Live in Los Angeles DVD/CDnot ratedDVD11/4/2016

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