Complete list of jasonclaud's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
MelvinsExact Paperbacks [demo]Gluey Porch Treatments [1999 expanded]not ratedCD1987
MelvinsEye FlysSugar Daddy Lilvenot ratedCD2008
MelvinsEye FlysGluey Porch Treatments [1999 expanded]not ratedCD1987
MelvinsEye Flys - WomanFive Legged Dognot ratedCD2021
MelvinsEye Flys [demo]Gluey Porch Treatments [1999 expanded]not ratedCD1987
MelvinsEyes On YouHold It Innot ratedCD2014
MelvinsFemale TroubleEverybody Loves Sausagesnot ratedCD2013
MelvinsFlamboyant DuckPinkus Abortion Techniciannot ratedCD2018
MelvinsFlaming CreatureA Walk With Love and Deathnot ratedCD2017
MelvinsFlex With YouGluey Porch Treatments [1999 expanded]not ratedCD1987
MelvinsFlex With You [demo]Gluey Porch Treatments [1999 expanded]not ratedCD1987
MelvinsFlushNude with Bootsnot ratedCD2008
MelvinsFly PaperFive Legged Dognot ratedCD2021
MelvinsFoamingHostile Ambient Takeovernot ratedCD2002
MelvinsForgotten PrinciplesMagled Demos from 1983not ratedCD2005
MelvinsForgotten PrinciplesMagled Demos from 1983not ratedCD2005
MelvinsFreak PukeFreak Pukenot ratedCD2012
MelvinsFriends Before LarryThe Bulls & the Bees & Electroretardnot ratedCD2015
MelvinsFuck AroundWorking With Godnot ratedCD2021
MelvinsFuck YouWorking With Godnot ratedCD2021
MelvinsG.I. JoeThe Crybabynot ratedCD2000
MelvinsGive It To MeA Walk With Love and Deathnot ratedCD2017
MelvinsGlow GodGluey Porch Treatments [1999 expanded]not ratedCD1987
MelvinsGlow God / Big As A Mountain [demo]Gluey Porch Treatments [1999 expanded]not ratedCD1987
MelvinsGluey Porch TreatmentsThe Bulls & the Bees & Electroretardnot ratedCD2015

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