Complete list of jakelieb's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Holly ColeIt Never Entered My MindShade4:26not ratedCD2003
Holly ColeLazy AfternoonShade3:07not ratedCD2003
Holly ColeMake It Go AwayDark Dear Heartnot ratedCD10/21/1997
Holly ColeManhattanShade3:58not ratedCD2003
Holly ColeMoonglowShade4:21not ratedCD2003
Holly ColeOn The Street Where You LiveBlame It On My Youth5:33not ratedCD1992
Holly ColeOnion GirlDark Dear Heartnot ratedCD10/21/1997
Holly ColeOnion GirlLilith Fair - A Celebration of Women In Music - Volume 34:19not ratedCD1999
Holly ColePurple AvenueBlame It On My Youth3:57not ratedCD1992
Holly ColeRiverDark Dear Heartnot ratedCD10/21/1997
Holly ColeSmileBlame It On My Youth4:13not ratedCD1992
Holly ColeSomething CoolShade3:58not ratedCD2003
Holly ColeThe Midnight SunShade5:14not ratedCD2003
Holly ColeTimbuktuDark Dear Heartnot ratedCD10/21/1997
Holly ColeToo Darn HotShade3:13not ratedCD2003
Holly ColeTrust In MeBlame It On My Youth3:23not ratedCD1992
Holly ColeWe Kiss in a ShadowShade2:26not ratedCD2003
Holly ColeWorld Seems To Come And GoDark Dear Heartnot ratedCD10/21/1997
Holly ColeYou Want MoreDark Dear Heartnot ratedCD10/21/1997
Holly SmithLight From A Distant Shorenot ratedCD9/7/1999
Holly SmithLight From A Distant Shorenot ratedCD9/7/1999
Holly SmithLight From A Distant Shorenot ratedCD9/7/1999
Holly SmithLight From A Distant Shorenot ratedCD9/7/1999
Holly SmithLight From A Distant Shorenot ratedCD9/7/1999
Holly SmithLight From A Distant Shorenot ratedCD9/7/1999

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