Complete list of jakelieb's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Tab BenoitMedicineMedicine5:47not ratedCD2011
Tab BenoitMidnight and LonesomePower of the Ponchartrain5:05not ratedCD
Tab BenoitMonk's BluesThe Sea Saint Sessions5:25not ratedCD2003
Tab BenoitMoon Coming Over The HillNight Train To Nashville3:29not ratedCD
Tab BenoitMoon Coming Over The Hill (with Jim Lauderdale)Brother To The Blues3:10not ratedCD2006
Tab BenoitMother EarthThese Blues Are All Mine3:47not ratedCD1999
Tab BenoitMudboat MelissaMedicine4:36not ratedCD2011
Tab BenoitMuddy Bottom BluesNight Train To Nashville6:33not ratedCD
Tab BenoitMuddy Bottom BluesWetlands4:22not ratedCD2002
Tab BenoitMy Buckets Got a Hole In ItFever for the Bayou3:20not ratedCD2005
Tab BenoitNew Orleans LadiesNight Train To Nashville5:44not ratedCD
Tab BenoitNext To MeMedicine5:01not ratedCD2011
Tab BenoitNice And WarmNice And Warm7:18not ratedCD1992
Tab BenoitNight TrainNight Train To Nashville4:58not ratedCD
Tab BenoitNight TrainFever for the Bayou4:17not ratedCD2005
Tab BenoitNothing Takes The Place Of YouMedicine4:01not ratedCD2011
Tab BenoitOne Foot In The BayouPower of the Ponchartrain4:21not ratedCD
Tab BenoitOpen BookNice And Warm3:01not ratedCD1992
Tab BenoitPack It UpBrother To The Blues3:53not ratedCD2006
Tab BenoitPlareen ManThe Sea Saint Sessions6:04not ratedCD2003
Tab BenoitPower of the PonchartrainPower of the Ponchartrain6:07not ratedCD
Tab BenoitRaided That JointThese Blues Are All Mine5:48not ratedCD1999
Tab BenoitRainy Day BluesStanding on the Bank3:47not ratedCD1995
Tab BenoitRamblin' On My MindNice And Warm5:09not ratedCD1992
Tab BenoitRendezvous With The BluesNight Train To Nashville6:46not ratedCD

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