Tangerine Dream
Pilots Of Purple Twilight: The Virgin Recordings 1980-1983

Tangerine Dream - Pilots Of Purple Twilight: The Virgin Recordings 1980-1983

  • Release date: 10/30/2020
  • Genre: Electronic
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 8:39:29
  • *****
  • Added October 31, 2020
  • Rated October 31, 2020


Tangram 1980
1. Tangram Set 1not rated19:52
2. Tangram Set 2not rated20:28
Thief 1981
1. Beach Themenot rated3:46
2. Dr. Destructonot rated3:21
3. Diamond Diarynot rated10:48
4. Burning Barnot rated3:12
5. Beach Scenenot rated6:51
6. Scrap Yardnot rated4:39
7. Trap Feelingnot rated2:59
8. Igneousnot rated4:51
9. Dr. Destructo (Extended Version)not rated4:20
Exit 1981
1. Kiew Missionnot rated9:18
2. Pilots Of Purple Twilightnot rated4:20
3. Choronzonnot rated4:09
4. Exitnot rated5:34
5. Network 23not rated4:57
6. Remote Viewingnot rated8:20
White Eagle 1982
1. Mojave Plannot rated20:08
2. Midnight In Tulanot rated4:00
3. Convention Of The 24not rated9:36
4. White Eaglenot rated4:38
5. Das Mädchen Auf Der Treppenot rated3:52
6. Flocknot rated2:26
7. Katjanot rated2:52
8. Speednot rated2:34
9. Daydreamnot rated4:33
10. Moorlandnot rated3:57
The Soldier
1. Main Titlesnot rated2:03
2. Cue #1: Variation On Logos #1not rated4:54
3. Cue #2: Variation On Horizon #1not rated2:59
4. Cue #3: The Soldier #1not rated5:44
5. Cue #4: Variation On Dolphin Dancenot rated1:28
6. Cue #5: Variation On Tangent #1not rated2:28
7. Cue #6: The Soldier #2not rated3:46
8. Cue #7: The Soldier #3not rated1:49
9. Cue #8: The Soldier #4not rated3:12
10. Cue #9: The Soldier #5not rated4:20
11. Cue #10: Variation On Horizon #2not rated5:16
12. Cue #11: The Soldier #6not rated2:53
13. Cue #12: The Soldier #7not rated1:42
14. Cue #13: Variation On Logos #2not rated2:10
15. Cue #14: The Soldier #8not rated7:29
16. Cue #15: Variation On Horizon #3not rated7:47
17. End Titlesnot rated7:20
The Dominion Theatre Concert Par
1. The Dominion Concert Part Onenot rated43:28
The Dominion Concert Part Two
1. The Dominion Concert Part Twonot rated51:02
2. Midnight In Tulanot rated4:36
3. White Eaglenot rated4:53
4. Dominionnot rated5:48
Logos 1982
1. Logos (Part 1)not rated25:48
2. Logos (Part 2)not rated19:37
3. Dominionnot rated5:51
Hyperborea (1-4) 1983, Risky Bus
1. No Man's Landnot rated9:10
2. Hyperboreanot rated8:39
3. Cinnamon Roadnot rated3:57
4. Sphinx Lightningnot rated19:56
5. The Dream Is Always The Samenot rated3:43
6. No Future (Get Off The Babysitter)not rated2:01
7. Guido The Killer Pimpnot rated4:19
8. Lananot rated3:53
9. Love On A Real Train (Risky Business)not rated3:59
The Keep 1983
1. Puer Natus Est Nobis (Gloria)not rated3:11
2. Arx Allemandnot rated4:34
3. Truth And Fictionnot rated2:58
4. The Silver Sealnot rated3:09
5. Ancient Powerplantnot rated4:30
6. Supernatural Accomplicenot rated4:12
7. The Challenger's Arrivalnot rated3:18
8. Heritage Survivalnot rated5:00
9. Parallel Wordsnot rated4:30
10. Canzonenot rated4:22
11. Voices From A Common Landnot rated4:05
12. Wardays Sunrisenot rated3:29
13. The Night In Romanianot rated3:15

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