B.B. King
Let The Good Times Roll

B.B. King - Let The Good Times Roll

  • Genre: Blues
  • Format: CD
  • Category: blues
  • Duration: 1:00:28
  • not rated
  • Added December 22, 2002


1. Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickensnot rated2:52
2. Is You Is, Or Is You Ain't (My Baby)not rated3:22
3. Beware, Brother, Bewarenot rated3:08
4. Somebody Done Changed The Lock On My Doornot rated3:28
5. Ain't That Just Lke A Womannot rated3:30
6. Cho Choo Ch'Boogienot rated2:37
7. Buzz Menot rated2:52
8. Early In The Mornin'not rated4:47
9. I'm Gonna Move To The Outskirts Of Townnot rated4:50
10. Jack, You're Deadnot rated2:09
11. Knock Me A Kissnot rated2:41
12. Let The Good Times Rollnot rated2:39
13. Caldonianot rated2:17
14. It's A Great, Great Pleasurenot rated2:39
15. Rusty Dusty Blues (Mama Mama Blues)not rated4:17
16. Sure Had A Wonderful Time Last Nightnot rated3:07
17. Saturday Night Fish Frynot rated4:29
18. Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Outnot rated4:34

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