Greatest Hits

McFly - Greatest Hits

  • Release date: 2007
  • Genre: Pop
  • Format: CD
  • Category: misc
  • Duration: 47:48
  • not rated
  • Added November 30, 2007


1. Five colours in her hairnot rated2:58
2. All about younot rated3:07
3. Star Girlnot rated3:28
4. Obviouslynot rated3:20
5. The heart never liesnot rated3:29
6. Please pleasenot rated3:09
7. Room on the 3rd Floornot rated3:15
8. Don't stop me nownot rated3:26
9. I'll be OKnot rated3:24
10. That girlnot rated3:18
11. Babys coming backnot rated2:52
12. Transylvanianot rated4:10
13. Way you make me feelnot rated3:37
14. Don't wake me upnot rated4:09

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