Complete list of hollyg's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Andreas SchollChacony in G minor, Z730O Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas SchollChorale: Du süBe Liebe, schenk uns deine Gunst*Ich Habe Genugnot ratedCD10/11/2011
Andreas SchollFairest isle (Venus)O Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas SchollHere the deities approveO Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas SchollIf music be the food of love, Z379aO Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas SchollMusic for a whileO Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas SchollNow that the sun hath veiled his light, Z193O Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas SchollO dive custos Auriacae domus, Z504O Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas SchollO solitude, my sweetest choice!, Z406O Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas SchollOne charming night (Secresie)O Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas SchollPavan in G minor, Z752O Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas SchollRecit: Der Schluss ist schon gemacht (from "Komm du suesse Todesstunde"), BWV161Ich Habe Genugnot ratedCD10/11/2011
Andreas SchollRecit: Doch meint es auch dabeiIch Habe Genugnot ratedCD10/11/2011
Andreas SchollRecit: Ich habe genugIch Habe Genugnot ratedCD10/11/2011
Andreas SchollRecit: Mein Gott! wenn kömmt das schöne: Nun!Ich Habe Genugnot ratedCD10/11/2011
Andreas SchollRecit: Was ist die Liebe GottesIch Habe Genugnot ratedCD10/11/2011
Andreas SchollSinfoniaIch Habe Genugnot ratedCD10/11/2011
Andreas SchollSinfonia BWV 150Ich Habe Genugnot ratedCD10/11/2011
Andreas SchollSound the trumpetO Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas SchollStrike the viol, touch the luteO Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas SchollSweeter than rosesO Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas SchollThe Gordian Knot Unty'd, Z597O Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas SchollWhat power art thou? (Cold Genius)O Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas SchollWhen I am laid in earth (Dido)O Solitudenot ratedCD11/30/2010
Andreas Scholl, Tamar HalperinAbendempfindung, K. 523Wanderernot ratedCD10/16/2012

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