Type O Negative (9 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Type O NegativeBloody KissesMP32006not rated1:13:31
Type O NegativeBloody Kisses (spec edition)MP3not rated1:07:31
Type O NegativeLife Is Killing MeMP3not rated1:14:26
Type O NegativeLife Is Killing Me (Limited Edition)MP32003not rated1:14:31
Type O NegativeOctober RustMP32006not rated2:25:56
Type O NegativeOrigin Of the FecesMP3not rated21:40
Type O NegativeSlow, Deep and HardMP31991not rated55:27
Type O NegativeType O NegativeMP3not rated37:40
Type O NegativeWorld Comming DownMP3not rated1:14:00