Savatage (13 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Savatage'Streets' A Rock OperaFLAC1991not rated1:08:33
SavatageDead Winter DeadMP31995not rated52:27
SavatageEdge of ThornsMP31993not rated53:51
SavatageGutter BalletMP31989not rated52:18
SavatageHall of the Mountain KingMP31987not rated39:21
SavatageHall of the Mountain KingMP31990not rated39:25
SavatageHandful of RainMP31994not rated49:00
SavatagePoets and MadmenMP32001not rated1:02:31
SavatagePower Of The NightMP31985not rated38:48
SavatageSavatage_[1985] dungeons are callingMP3not rated30:54
SavatageSirensMP3not rated35:53
SavatageThe Dungeons Are CallingMP3not rated28:38
SavatageThe Wake of MagellanMP31998not rated1:11:46