Judas Priest (12 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Judas PriestBritish SteelMP31980not rated36:06
Judas PriestBritish Steel (Remastered)MP3not rated44:37
Judas PriestDefenders Of The FaithMP31984not rated38:49
Judas PriestDefenders of the FaithMP31984not rated38:49
Judas PriestHell Bent For LeatherMP31979not rated38:16
Judas PriestHell Bent for LeatherMP31979not rated34:09
Judas PriestMetal Works '73_'93 (Compilation) (Disk 2)MP31993not rated1:13:17
Judas PriestMetal Works 1973-1993 [Disc1] [1 of 2] [Remastered]MP3not rated1:14:33
Judas PriestPoint of EntryMP3not rated48:00
Judas PriestSad Wings Of DestinyMP31976not rated39:12
Judas PriestScreaming For VengeanceMP31982not rated38:51
Judas PriestTurboMP31986not rated41:08