Emperor (9 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
EmperorAnthems To The Welkin At DuskMP31997not rated1:00:29
EmperorEmperial Live CeremonyMP32000not rated48:35
EmperorIX EquilibriumMP31999not rated44:00
EmperorIn The Nightside EclipseMP31997not rated59:49
EmperorPrometheusMP32007not rated51:44
EmperorPrometheus: The Discipline of Fire & DemiseMP32001not rated51:47
EmperorScattered Ashes (A Decade of Emperial Wrath) [CD 1)MP32003not rated1:13:50
EmperorScattered Ashes (A Decade of Emperial Wrath) [Cd 2 Silver]MP32003not rated1:09:10
EmperorWrath Of The TyrantMP31992not rated50:47