Mastodon, Mastodon

Mastodon - Remission

  • Release date: 2002
  • Genre: Metal
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 50:23
  • not rated
  • Added May 30, 2008


1. Crusher Destroyernot rated2:00
2. March of the Fire Antsnot rated4:26
3. Where Strides the Behemothnot rated2:55
4. Workhorsenot rated3:46
5. Ol'e Nessienot rated6:05
6. Burning Mannot rated2:47
7. Trainwrecknot rated7:04
8. Trampled Under Hoofnot rated3:00
9. Trilobitenot rated6:29
10. Mother Punchernot rated3:49
11. Elephant Mannot rated8:02

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