Don Caballero
What Burns Never Returns v0

Don Caballero - What Burns Never Returns v0

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 47:27
  • not rated
  • Added May 30, 2008


1. Don Caballero 3not rated9:42
2. In the Abscense of Strong Evidence to the Contrary, One May Step Out of the Way of the Charging Bullnot rated4:35
3. Delivering the Groceries at 138 Beats per Minutenot rated5:49
4. Slice Where You Live Like Pienot rated5:09
5. Room Temperature Suitenot rated5:31
6. The World in Perforated Linesnot rated3:52
7. From the Desk of Elsewhere Gonot rated7:52
8. June is Finally Herenot rated4:57

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