Rage for Order

Queensrÿche - Rage for Order

  • Release date: 1986
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 42:04
  • not rated
  • Added May 30, 2008


1. Geoff Tate/Michael Wilton - I Dream in Infrarednot rated4:18
2. Chris DeGarmo - The Whispernot rated3:36
3. Dal Bello - Gonna Get Close to Younot rated4:37
4. Chris DeGarmo/Geoff Tate - The Killing Wordsnot rated3:56
5. Chris DeGarmo/Michael Wilton - Surgical Strikenot rated3:22
6. Chris DeGarmo/Geoff Tate - Neue Regelnot rated4:55
7. Geoff Tate/Michael Wilton - Chemical Youth (We Are Rebellion)not rated4:15
8. Chris DeGarmo/Geoff Tate/Michael Wilton - Londonnot rated5:06
9. Chris DeGarmo/Geoff Tate/Michael Wilton - Screaming in Digitalnot rated3:38
10. Chris DeGarmo - I Will Remembernot rated4:21

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