Discovering the Waterfront

Silverstein - Discovering the Waterfront

  • Release date: 2005
  • Genre: Punk
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 39:13
  • not rated
  • Added May 30, 2008


1. Your Sword Vs. My Daggernot rated2:58
2. Smile in Your Sleepnot rated3:14
3. The Ides of Marchnot rated3:27
4. Fist Wrapped in Bloodnot rated2:57
5. Discovering the Waterfrontnot rated4:46
6. Defend Younot rated3:28
7. My Heroinenot rated3:27
8. Always and Nevernot rated3:50
9. Already Deadnot rated3:17
10. Three Hours Backnot rated3:35
11. Call it Karmanot rated4:14

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