Ablaze My Sorrow
[1998] the plague

Ablaze My Sorrow - [1998] the plague

  • Genre: Other
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 34:54
  • not rated
  • Added May 30, 2008


1. dusk....not rated0:14
2. the truth is soldnot rated4:03
3. into the land of dreamsnot rated4:11
4. mournful serenadenot rated4:38
5. the return of the mighty ravennot rated4:20
6. i will be your godnot rated4:11
7. plague of minenot rated4:43
8. as the dove falls torn apartnot rated4:06
9. suicidenot rated2:09
10. ....dawnnot rated2:19

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