Gamma Ray
Blast From the Past CD 1

Gamma Ray - Blast From the Past CD 1

  • Release date: 2000
  • Genre: Metal
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:01:06
  • not rated
  • Added May 29, 2008


1. Welcomenot rated0:57
2. Lust For Lifenot rated5:28
3. Heaven Can Waitnot rated4:31
4. Heading For Tomorrownot rated15:00
5. Changesnot rated5:29
6. One With the Worldnot rated4:49
7. Dream Healernot rated7:35
8. Tribute to the Pastnot rated4:46
9. Last Before the Stormnot rated4:57
10. Heal Menot rated7:34

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