Sesame Street
Platinum All-Time Favorites

Sesame Street - Platinum All-Time Favorites

  • Release date: 1996
  • Genre: Children
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 45:27
  • not rated
  • Added May 30, 2008


1. Sesame Street Themenot rated1:49
2. ABC-DEF-GHInot rated1:48
3. The People In Your Neighbourhoodnot rated2:04
4. Rubber Duckienot rated2:25
5. Elmo's Songnot rated2:29
6. Doin' the Pigeonnot rated2:13
7. "C" Is For Cookienot rated1:29
8. I Don't Want To Live On the Moonnot rated2:24
9. The Monster In the Mirrornot rated2:46
10. Singnot rated3:05
11. Happy Tappin' With Elmonot rated1:31
12. Fuzzy and Blue (and Orange)not rated2:33
13. Bein' Greennot rated2:22
14. Lambabanot rated2:36
15. What Do I Do When I'm Alone?not rated2:30
16. One Fine Facenot rated2:10
17. I Love Trashnot rated2:53
18. Little Thingsnot rated1:37
19. Put Down the Duckienot rated2:15
20. We Are All Earthlingsnot rated2:28

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