Various artists
George Carlin

Various artists - George Carlin

  • Genre: Comedy/Dance
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:37:10
  • not rated
  • Added May 30, 2008


1. George Carlin - American Bullshitnot rated2:37
2. Comedy - George Carlin - Familiar Expressionsnot rated9:14
3. George Carlin - Feminist Blowjobnot rated7:24
4. George Carlin - Urinals Are 50 Percent Universnot rated2:24
5. George Carlin - There Is No Godnot rated8:38
6. George Carlin - Abortionnot rated8:41
7. George Carlin - You Are All Di - 03 - Fear Of Germsnot rated5:58
8. George Carlin - I Love My Dognot rated7:04
9. George Carlin - Monopolynot rated4:02
10. George Carlin - New Sportsnot rated4:13
11. George Carlin - Nursery Rhymesnot rated4:12
12. George Carlin - Seven Words You Can Never Say On Televisionnot rated7:04
13. George Carlin - Some People Are Stupidnot rated2:30
14. George Carlin - Supermarketsnot rated7:02
15. George Carlin - The 11 O'Clock Newsnot rated7:09
16. George Carlin - You Are All Di - 10 - Kids And Parentsnot rated6:52
17. George Carlin - You Are All Diseased - 16 - Religionnot rated2:06

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