13 Songs

Fugazi - 13 Songs

  • Release date: 1990
  • Genre: Straight Edge Punk
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 40:18
  • not rated
  • Added May 30, 2008


1. Waiting Roomnot rated2:55
2. Bulldog Frontnot rated2:54
3. Bad Mouthnot rated2:36
4. Burningnot rated2:39
5. Give Me The Curenot rated2:59
6. Suggestionnot rated4:45
7. Glue Mannot rated4:21
8. Margin Walkernot rated2:31
9. And The Samenot rated3:27
10. Burning Toonot rated2:41
11. Provisionalnot rated2:17
12. Lockdownnot rated2:11
13. Promisesnot rated4:02

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