The Stone Roses
The Stone Roses

The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses

  • Release date: 10/25/1990
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • **
  • Added September 9, 2006
  • Rated December 26, 2008


1. I Wanna Be Adorednot rated0:00
2. She Bangs The Drumsnot rated0:00
3. Waterfallnot rated0:00
4. Don't Stopnot rated0:00
5. Bye Bye Badmannot rated0:00
6. Elizabeth My dearnot rated0:00
7. Sugar Spun Sisiternot rated0:00
8. Made Of Stonenot rated0:00
9. Shoot You Downnot rated0:00
10. This Is The Onenot rated0:00
11. I Am The Resurrectionnot rated0:00
12. Fools Goldnot rated0:00
13. What The World Is Waiting Fornot rated0:00
14. Where Angels Playnot rated0:00
15. Elephant Stonenot rated0:00

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