Rick Astley
Rick Astley Greatest Hits

Rick Astley - Rick Astley Greatest Hits

  • Release date: 2002
  • Format: MP3 Album
  • Duration: 58:30
  • not rated
  • Added May 19, 2004


1. Never Gonna Give You Upnot rated3:32
2. Whenever You Need Somebodynot rated3:29
3. When I Fall In Lovenot rated3:03
4. My Arms Keep Missing Younot rated3:16
5. Together Forevernot rated3:21
6. It Would Take A Strong Strong Mannot rated3:39
7. She Wants To Dance With Menot rated3:15
8. Take Me To Your Heartnot rated3:28
9. Hold Me In Your Armsnot rated4:33
10. Cry For Helpnot rated4:06
11. Move Right Outnot rated3:55
12. Never Knew Lovenot rated3:07
13. The Ones You Lovenot rated4:20
14. Hopelesslynot rated3:35
15. Body & Soulnot rated4:10
16. Sleepingnot rated3:41

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