Complete list of genetik-defex's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
NefariaAs a Dying and Never Repeated EchoDemo II9:49not ratedCassette2013
NefariaAs a Dying and Never Repeated EchoDemo III - Blood19:43not ratedCassette2013
NefariaAt the Wake of the Northern StarDemo I & IV - The Searing Winds of Supremacy8:29not ratedCassette2013
NefariaBlack Magick Black MetalDemo VII - True Honour9:00not ratedCassette2014
NefariaBlackmoonNefaria/Mardraum - Under the Burning Moonlight8:13not ratedCassette2014
NefariaBuried Within the Chambers of MadnessDemo II9:51not ratedCassette2013
NefariaByzantiumDemo VII - True Honour8:11not ratedCassette2014
NefariaCurses - Battle Climax at the Tomb of Unholy SepulchreDemo VI - Vitriolic Excursions through the Infernal Fields8:58not ratedCassette2014
NefariaDer WolfskreuzSoldiers Of Dual Victory5:39not ratedCassette1/21/2017
NefariaDer WolfsschanzeSoldiers Of Dual Victory5:30not ratedCassette1/21/2017
NefariaDraggedDarkness (Compilation)9:56not ratedCassette2015
NefariaDragged Through Dirt, Gravel, and Broken GlassDemo II9:56not ratedCassette2013
NefariaDragged Through Dirt, Gravel, and Broken GlassDemo III - Blood18:48not ratedCassette2013
NefariaDreams (Away Above the Clouds remix)Darkness (Compilation)10:27not ratedCassette2015
NefariaDreams - An Eternity of Nightmare Become RealityDemo VI - Vitriolic Excursions through the Infernal Fields10:28not ratedCassette2014
NefariaEchoDarkness (Compilation)9:49not ratedCassette2015
NefariaEverlasting Visceral AbominantWhere Stars Align, Wolves Gather...5:24not ratedCassette2015
NefariaEverlasting Visceral AbominantDarkness (Compilation)5:24not ratedCassette2015
NefariaExumation - Where the Rats and Men Feed...Demo VI - Vitriolic Excursions through the Infernal Fields4:31not ratedCassette2014
NefariaLiber VenenorumDarkness (Compilation)4:00not ratedCassette2015
NefariaMadnessDarkness (Compilation)9:51not ratedCassette2015
NefariaOccultationDemo VII - True Honour7:30not ratedCassette2014
NefariaOf Falling Mountains and Searing WindsDemo VIII - Of Falling Mountains and Searing Winds29:59not ratedCassette2014
NefariaOrations I (Erupting Unknown Emanations from the Bowels of the Earth)Orations (Compilation)15:58not ratedCassette2015
NefariaOrations II (Subterranean Evocation)Orations (Compilation)1:36not ratedCassette2015

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