Twilight Fauna (13 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Twilight FaunaEP7"2013*****13:30
Twilight FaunaFire of the Spirit12"2016*** 1/239:59
Twilight FaunaFoundations12"2020**** 1/2
Twilight FaunaGriefCD4/10/2013**** 1/237:38
Twilight FaunaHymns of a Forgotten Homeland12"2014**** 1/239:20
Twilight FaunaShadows of AncestorsCD2015*****47:43
Twilight FaunaShadows of AncestorsCassette2015*****52:45
Twilight FaunaThat Old Time Way7"2019**** 1/28:30
Twilight FaunaThe Grotesque Travesty of CreationCassette2012**** 1/250:37
Twilight FaunaThe Silence of a Blackening AbyssCassette2012****49:27
Twilight FaunaThe Year the Stars Fell12"2017**** 1/242:58
Twilight FaunaTwilight Fauna/Jennifer Christensen Split7"2015*****14:16
Twilight FaunaWhere Birds Sing My Name12"7/25/2018**** 1/239:41