genetik-defex's top 200 artists sorted alphabetically

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1349 A Diadem of Dead Stars A Perfect Circle Abkehr Abysmal Dawn Agalloch Akitsa Alda Alice In Chains Altarage Animo Aeger Anthrax Arson Anthem Asgrauw Ash Borer Atriarch Audioslave Author & Punisher Bad Religion Barbelith Beastie Boys Behexen Bio-Sound Terrorist Black Label Society Black Sabbath Blood Of Kingu Burzum Bush Butthole Surfers Cancerslug Cavalera Conspiracy Circle Jerks Circle Of Beings Cleansing The Damned Clinging to the Trees of a Forest Fire Cloud Rat Coal Chamber Cold Commit Suicide Cornigr Corrosion Of Conformity Corrosion of Conformity Crown Of Asteria Crown of Asteria Cruciamentum DEF-CON-ONE DIVERJE Danzig Dead Kennedys Deafest Deftones DevilDriver Dhampyr Disturbed Diverje Down EMF Earth and Pillars Electric Wizard Endlichkeit Enisum Enthauptung Evanescence Everclear Face To Face Fear Factory Filter Foo Fighters Forndom Gevurah Gnaw Bone Godflesh Godsmack Green Day Green Elder Guttermouth H.EXE Hate Forest Havukruunu Helmet Heron High On Fire High on Fire Howls Of Ebb Hum Human Bodies Hurt Hæthen Ides of Gemini Incubus Indigo Girls Jassa Jewel Johnny Cash Killswitch Engage Kittie KoRn Kolp Korn LVTHN Ladybird Lamentations Of The Ashen Lilith Fair Live Lustre Marilyn Manson Megadeth Meshuggah Metallica Mgla Miles Davis Ministry Misery Index Misfits Moloch Mudvayne Murg Myrkur NOFX Nagaarum Nailbomb Nano Infect Navajo Witch Nefaria Nine Inch Nails Nirvana Numenorean Old Graves Old Man Gloom Osi And The Jupiter Overwhelming Colorfast PRIMITIVE MAN Pantera Pearl Jam Pennywise Pillorian Pink Floyd Possessed Primitive Man Primus Public Enemy Pulley Queens Of The Stone Age RORCAL Radiohead Rage Against The Machine Rancid Red Hot Chili Peppers Rob Zombie Rorcal SNFU Sarah McLachlan Schammasch Screaming Trees Sedulus Sekhet Sepultura Sevendust Shaidar Logoth Slayer Slipknot Smashing Pumpkins Soulfly Soundgarden Stabbing Westward Staind Static-X Stone Sour Stone Temple Pilots Straight Faced Sublime System Of A Down Terra Deep Terra Tenebrosa The Fumes The Great Old Ones The Howling Wind The Offspring The Sex Pistols The Vandals The White Stripes Tonic Tool Torrid Husk Triumvir Foul Twilight Fauna U2 Utzalu Uškumgallu VAST Various Artists When We Live White Zombie Wiegedood Winterfylleth Wolves In The Throne Room Yellow Eyes Your Bunny Rot downfall of nur dunnock