Complete list of genetik-defex's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
AgallochOf Stone, Wind, And Pillor12"6/2015**** 1/223:26
AgallochPale FolkloreCD6/1999*****1:02:10
AgallochThe Demonstration Archive 1996 - 1998CD2008**** 1/21:02:20
AgallochThe Grey EP12"11/29/2019**** 1/227:46
AgallochThe Mantle12"7/15/2016*****1:08:33
AgallochThe MantleCD2002*****1:08:36
AgallochThe Serpent & The SphereCD2014*****59:46
AgallochThe White EP12"11/29/2019**** 1/232:32
AgallochWhitedivisiongrey(The Grey)CD2012*****42:56
AgallochWhitedivisiongrey(The White)CD2012*****42:53
Agent GlitterNever Stopped Rockin7"1997**** 1/211:36
Agent Glitter / Flex LutherNo Ladies Tonight? / 7" of Sheer Pleasure7"1997****
AkhlysThe Dreaming I12"2017**** 1/245:33
AkitsaAu Crépuscule De L'Espérance12"2019**** 1/2
AkitsaCredo12"10/12/2018**** 1/241:47
AkitsaGoétie12"12/1/2019**** 1/2
AkitsaGrands Tyrans12"2019**** 1/2
AkitsaLa Grande Infamie12"2019**** 1/2
AkitsaSang Nordique12"12/1/2019**** 1/2
AkitsaTotale Servitude12"12/1/2019**** 1/2
Albino Pythonthe Doomed and the DamnedCassette6/19/2013**** 1/236:22
Albino Pythonthe Doomed and the DamnedCD11/29/2012****20:34
AldaA Distant FireCD10/8/2021*****50:33

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