Cloud Rat
Moksha LP

Cloud Rat - Moksha LP

  • Release date: 2013
  • Genre: Metal/Hardcore Metal
  • Format: 12"
  • Category: metal
  • Duration: 29:07
  • **** 1/2
  • Added June 27, 2015
  • Rated June 27, 2015


1. Inkblotnot rated2:11
2. Aromanot rated2:11
3. Corner Spacenot rated1:36
4. Olympianot rated0:58
5. Peer to Peernot rated1:15
6. Widowmakernot rated1:51
7. Infinity Chasmnot rated2:13
8. Inimitable Seanot rated1:38
9. Daunting Daughtersnot rated1:21
10. Cassenot rated2:14
11. The Needle and the Damagenot rated2:40
12. Vigilnot rated2:01
13. Mokshanot rated6:58

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