Burn The Priest
Legion: XX

Burn The Priest - Legion: XX

  • Release date: 5/18/2018
  • Genre: Rock/Hardcore
  • Format: 12"
  • Category: rock
  • **** 1/2
  • Added September 23, 2018
  • Rated September 23, 2018


1. Inherit The Earthnot rated0:00
2. Honey Bucketnot rated0:00
3. Kerosenenot rated0:00
4. Kill Yourselfnot rated0:00
5. I Against Inot rated0:00
6. Axis Rotnot rated0:00
7. Jesus Built My Hotrodnot rated0:00
8. One Voicenot rated0:00
9. Dine Alonenot rated0:00
10. We Gotta Knownot rated0:00

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